Responsible for website content:
ACT Performance Festival of Swiss Art Academies

Editorial & Content:
ACT, Lecturers, Students, as well as named authors

Marion Ritzmann,

Design: Esther Hunziker
Programming: Esther Hunziker, Jürgen Enge HGK FHNW
English Translation: Philipp Rühr, Good & Cheap Art Translators
French Translation: Delphine Chapuis Schmitz
Copyediting German and English: Philipp Rühr, Good & Cheap Art Translators
Copyediting French: NN

ACT, lecturers, and students, as well as named authors and photographers.
The content and images of this website are from various sources and have been provided by their authors for use on our website. The copyright for any further distribution or publication of images is reserved by the authors and must be obtained separately.